Richiedi il visto per Cuba e l'assicurazione viaggio per andare a Cuba

The easiest way to apply for a tourist visa to go to Cuba and to invite a Cuban in Italy

Italian tourist visa

visa for CubaEntry tourist visa for Italy from Cuba 1. Identity Card or Passport
2. Residence Permit
3. Tax Code
4. Last paycheck / Cud / Unique
5. Copy passport beneficiary
6. Address of residence abroad of your host
7. Full address in Italy where send the documents to be signed

This type of policy is required to secure livelihoods in Italy by the inviting visa from 'Italy in Cuba and the Schengen area that needs to present to the consulate. The guarantee policy may be issued either by a bank, insurance or finance company and must be requested by an Italian citizen or foreigner who wants to help his guest to get the tourist visa for Italy.

To obtain a tourist visa entry for Italy you need to prepare some documents useful for both the issuance of the guarantee and the insurance policy that the rest of the documentation to bring to the consulate (invitation letter, appointment booking embassy , booking air ticket to / re eventual shipment to your guest via international courier fee).

In particular, you need to prepare: 1. Identity card or passport of the person who makes the call (the inviting)
2. Residence Permit only in the case o
f foreigners who make the call (the inviting)
3. Tax Code (the inviting) 4. Last paycheck Model Cud or last if (employee) or Unico if (self-employed) last Model Cud if (retired) (the inviting)
5. Copy of passport beneficiary only the page where there is a picture (the guest who must arrive in Italy)
6. We need to specify the address of residence abroad of your host (who is in Italy), telephone number and current profession to be indicated in the mail order you did.
7. Remember to give us your full address in the mail for shipping policies and documents to you in Italian
8. Be aware that if you want to take advantage of the shipment abroad by our couriers we have to indicate in the mail the exact address abroad where to deliver the documents to your guest.


Visto Turistico - Agenzia di Milano per il rilascio del visto per cuba o andare all''estero o visti per andare dall'Italia a Cuba

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