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The easiest way to apply for a tourist visa to go to Cuba and to invite a Cuban in Italy
You have to go on holiday in Cuba and you need a visa (tarjeta) entrance and travel insurance mandatory?
Do you want to invite someone from Cuba and you do not know how to apply for a tourist visa to Italy from Cuba?
We can provide for you that the bank guarantee and the health insurance, including the appointment at the Italian consulate in Cuba, we complete a letter of invitation, the visa application and flight ticket reservations not confirmed.
The Entry visa for Cuba and Insurance in travel will be sent to you directly in your house within 48h. Fill out the contact form now and we will offer you with professionalism the right solution at affordable prices.
Servizi Consolari consolato Cuba per cittadini cubani e italiani
Please note that from 1 May 2010 all foreigners and Cubans living abroad before entering the Republic of Cuba must necessarily possess an insurance policy that covers any medical expenses incurred in Cuba.