Phone: +39 02 67078247 - 02 67072224 - 02 67384326
Fax: +39 02 67387476
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Our experience for entry into Italian and foreign tourists who wants to go abroad.
Why you need to choose a leader for an entry visa to Italy and coming visa? Our strength is the experience and professionalism that our team can guarantee to meet all your needs of any foreign person living in Italy and Italian that has nostalgia to invite a loved one (father, mother, daughter, sister, brother, grandmother and girlfriend / o) who lives abroad or to all those Italian travellers abroad have found the love of their lives and they want to know our country for tourism reasons through an entry visa for Italy.
But our services also embraces other types of visas for entry Italy as: Entry Visa to Italy for study the foreign student who wishes to attend university scholarships, courses of study or training at recognized institutions, Visa sports competition for athletes who is called to participate in sporting events, Visa for medical treatment to an alien who needs to undergo medical treatment at health institutions Italian, business Visa for those intending to travel for business purposes aimed at operators commercial, fashion models and Visa for self-employment wishing to pursue a professional or non-working employee.
We will prepare us in a short time all the documents for the invitation in Italy (airline reservation, appointment to the Italian embassy in Cuba, invitation letter, health insurance and surety).
Our headquarters:
Via N. Copernico, 47-20125 Milano (MI) ITALY
Customer service and support: Tel. +39 02 67078247 - 02 67072224 - 02 67384326 - Fax +39 02 67387476 -
Visto Turistico - Agenzia di Milano per il rilascio del visto per cuba o andare all''estero o visti per andare dall'Italia a Cuba
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LUN al VEN dalle 9:00 alle 13:00 / 14:00 alle 18:30
Via Ponte Seveso, 41- 20125 - Milano, IT (MI) ITALY